
“Sometimes, you just have to clear your head and get out to see other things. It is very important to be nourished. I love to go to museums and galleries – anything creative. It doesn’t promise you inspiration, but it nourishes your creative soul”
– Marc Jacobs

Where History lives

Permanent Exhibits

Rotating Exhibits

The Lewis County Historical Museum maintains a quarterly exhibit schedule to ensure your next trip to the Museum will be completely different than your last. Our devoted curator rotates featured exhibits throughout the year to tell the diverse story of Lewis County’s history, with something new to discover every time you walk in the front door!

Domestic Life Through the Ages

Sometimes, we need a reminder of just how far we’ve come! It’s easy to overlook or take for granted the modern conveniences of day-to-day life, but the domestic artifacts in our display cases remind us how much daily life has changed over the decades. Come and see antique vanities, vintage irons and vacuums, suitcases, and more, and discuss how different life looked in Lewis County 30, 50, or 100 years ago!

“Yard Birds” Collection

We have a collection of artifacts and memorabilia from the historic Yard Birds Shopping Mall that previously existed at 2100 National Ave. in Chehalis. The mall was most famously known for its gigantic “Yard Bird” statue and it housed over 60 merchants, drawing folks from all over Lewis County and beyond. Visit a bona fide, larger-than-life Yard Bird in the museum’s entryway and learn more about this quirky shopping destination’s importance to local families in our newest display.